Caring for the wellbeing of our pupils is our core focus at Ysgol Teilo Sant. We believe it is imperative that we create a happy and safe environment that provides support and guidance for all. As such, this is an ongoing priority for our team, and we make every effort to best support our children to develop and maintain positive mental and physical health, as well as model and encourage positive, healthy relationships.
Mr Ioan Jones & Mrs Maureen Williams are our designated Safeguarding officers.
The aims of our Ambassadors are:
- To raise pupil awareness of the importance of regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.
- Raise the profile of various sports and physical activities throughout the school.
- Co-ordinate opportunities for pupils to enjoy physical games and sports during morning break.
- Be a good example to others and encourage their peers to make sensible choices.
- Assist in arranging whole school activities and initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle and mindset, such as Walk to School Week.
We emphasise to our pupils the importance of communicating their needs with our team, and ensure that all pupils are aware of who they can approach when in need to support.
In addition to this, our school ELSA (Emotional Learning Support Assistant) is available to provide additional support. Our ELSA may work with children on an individual or group basis, providing interventions purposefully and carefully selected and planned to meet the needs of the child(ren) involved. The aims of our ELSA are:
- To develop our children’s emotional literacy skills.
- Facilitate positive mental health.
- Support children with their social skills and needs.
- Support children with anything that may impact their general wellbeing.
The School Senedd, along with each of the supporting sub-committees provide the opportunity for our pupils to express their opinion, have their voices heard and influence life within the school. There are representatives from each year group from Year 1 through to Year 6, and they meet regularly to discuss ideas presented to them by their peers throughout the school.
Our School Senedd:
- School Senedd
- The Healthy Schools Committee
- The Eco Committee
As we start a new topic or unit of work, children are given to opportunity to share their ideas or ask any questions that they would like answered/would like to learn about. Their input then supports the teacher’s planning, whilst ensuring a balance of skills, knowledge and experiences to support the children’s educational development.
As part of our wellbeing focus we support families to make healthy choices about what they and their children eat. This includes learning about our body and nutrition throughout their time with us, the promotion of healthy lunchbox options and the provision of a balanced, hot lunch choice.
The Nutrition Skills for Life website contains further useful information, including videos and healthy recipes for you to enjoy at home.
Nutrition Skills for Life Website